Mike Shildt opens Stretch Zone studio in Chesterfield
CHESTERFIELD, Mo. – Cardinals Manager Mike Shildt, his wife Michelle, and brother-in-law Joe Morrisey are starting a business together in Chesterfield. They are opening a Stretch Zone franchise. The studios use a strapping system to isolate muscles for stretching.
“It is an amazing sports town, with the St. Louis Cardinals, St. Louis Blues, St. Louis City SC, and the best fans. Introducing this concept that I believe in, to athletes and fans alike, is really exciting for us and a great way to give back to the community,” writes Mike Shildt.
There are now 136 Stretch Zone locations nationwide. The company expects to open the 200th location by 2022.
Mike Schildt’s Stretch Zone studio is located at 1656 Clarkson Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017.