Stretch Yourself To Better Health & Performance
Article written by Stay Fit 305
2020 took a toll on many things including the way in which we moved our bodies. Working from home led to hours of sitting at sometimes unconventional desks (hello, dining room table) and with gyms closed, we had to rely on at-home workouts. Even if we were able to motivate ourselves to move, our bodies bore the brunt and our muscles were left tight and sore. Stretching is a crucial step in our performance and skipping it can lead to aches and pains and impaired athleticism and even impaired sleep.
Enter Stretch Zone, an assisted stretching studio dedicated to lengthening your muscles in order to increase your flexibility and range of motion, balance you out, improve your posture, keep you in peak athletic performance, keep injuries at bay, and have you walking taller. And if that isn’t enough, regular stretching can also reduce stress.
With 20+ locations in South Florida alone, we checked out the Coral Gables location (3138 Ponce de Leon Blvd) for their free assessment, which is offered to all first-time guests.
Even with yoga 4-5 a week, we were surprised how much we needed this session and learned that Stretch Zone is designed to help functional flexibility.
Before getting started you’ll discuss with your Stretch Therapist what type of exercise(s) you do, a little about your lifestyle and if there is any area that you’d like to work on. For us, it was our lower back and hamstrings (we may be guilty of not stretching after running).
Next you lie down on a bed (sanitized before and after each client) where all the stretching is done. There is a belt/strap that goes over your waist to hold you in place when things get twisty; all of Stretch Zone’s equipment is patented.
Your Stretch Therapist will guide you through a series of exercises to get a baseline of how your body moves and how tight you are before creating a program customized for your body and your goals.
As you work through the stretches, your Stretch Therapist will ask you to share, on a scale of 1-10, how difficult the movement is for you. You hold each stretch for a few seconds and go through each exercise three times, with the goal of going deeper each stretch. During our session, we worked our anterior and posterior chain of muscles as balance is key in stretching… and life.
By the time we were done, our lower back pain was eased, we felt lighter and taller, and became firm believers that regular Stretch Zone sessions are the perfect addition for anyone’s wellness routine.