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Can Assisted Stretching Help Ease Lower Back Pain?

Can Assisted Stretching Help Ease Lower Back Pain?

Did you know that assisted stretches feel oh-so-good? It’s a wonder how increasing the range of a stretch can take the load off you. Are the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support your spine, begging you to give them the best stretching for lower back pain?

Stretches are specifically designed to address neck and back pain. They reduce muscle tension that causes the pain, enhance your overall mobility, enhance your range of motion, and reduces your risk of disability.

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What are the Stretches for Lower Back Pain?

Knee to Chest Stretch

You need to lie on your back with your knees bent and both of your heels on the floor. Place your hands behind one knee and pull it towards your chest. This stretch will effectively stretch the muscles in your buttock. 

Back Flexion Stretch

While you lie on your back, try to pull your knees to your chest while you flex your head forward. You should feel the stretch across your mid and lower back.

Piriformis Muscle Stretch

Get started by lying on your back with your knees bent and both heels touching the floor. Next, you’ll need to cross one leg over the other and rest your ankle on your bent knee. The next step is to pull your bottom knee toward your chest gently. You should feel a good stretch in your buttock muscles. 

Knee Lunge Stretch

You can begin on both knees by moving one leg forward while keeping your foot flat on the ground. Your weight should be evenly distributed through both of your hips. Next, you need to place both of your hands on the top portion of your thigh before you lean your body forward. You should feel the muscles in front of your other leg stretch. 

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Experience the Best Stretching for Lower Back Pain!

Book your 30-minute stretch at Stretch Zone to experience the best stretching for lower back pain!