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The Three Types of Flexibility You Should Know About

The Three Types of Flexibility You Should Know About

Most people don’t put much importance on flexibility training. However, those who recognize the usefulness of stretching are the ones who enjoy its benefits such as enhanced recovery, improved performance, increased range of motion, and so much more. People that undergo flexibility training work to increase their joints’ range of motion, as well as their surrounding tissues, by stretching during a passive movement.

In case you’re wondering what passive in this context means, this refers to a static stretch where no active muscle movement is taking place. Instead of using momentum, a certified stretch practitioner provides the force for the stretch.

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What are the Three Types of Flexibility?

Dynamic Flexibility

Dynamic flexibility is more focused on sports compared to other kinds of mobility. Furthermore, it involves the performance of dynamic movements that are within the full range of motion of a specific joint. To give you an idea, dynamic flexibility can be demonstrated by twisting a joint from side to side. 

Static Active Flexibility

Static active flexibility is mainly concerned with the stretching of an antagonist muscle while utilizing only the agonist muscle’s tension. Furthermore, this type of flexibility is the perfect option for stretch-reflex training since it prevents muscle cramping, especially when the antagonist muscle becomes tight.

Static Active flexibility can be demonstrated by holding one leg out as high as you possibly can in front of you using only your leg strength. As you do this, your antagonist muscle (hamstring) is being stretched as your agonist muscles (hip flexors and quadriceps) are holding your leg up.

Static Passive Flexibility

Static passive flexibility uses an external force to hold a stretch. You can demonstrate this type of flexibility by holding a leg out in front of you and resting it on any surface. Since your quadriceps don’t need to hold this stretched position, there’s no active agonist.

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Give Flexibility Training a Try!

If you want to experience flexibility training for yourself, book your free 30-minute stretch at Stretch Zone today.